Friday 24 April 2020



The most unfortunate outcome of COVID 19 , is that the behavior of the society, towards those who tested positive and treated well is not desirable.
The COVID -19 has caused so much anxiety that people have begun to distance themselves. Families and friends of identified patients are also being stigmatized by society.
It has been observed social distancing as one prominent result of stigma. The public seeks to avoid those with a stigmatizing label, in order to escape the risk of associating with the tainted identity. People are being disrespected and discriminated against because of COVID -19 and it is wrong.

As a psychologist, I believe-

This kind of stigma is  harming  people with COVID -19 in three ways.

First is self-sigma: the disrespect that results when people associated with the virus internalize stereotypes and feel tainted.

Second is stigma given by society, harm that results when people endorse stereotypes about individuals with COVID -19 (“they’re tainted") .

Third is what has been labeled "Avoidance". For example: Hey look, that’s Amit and he had Coronavirus. Because of label avoidance, they will choose not to be tested or will not isolate.

Many people have thinking that people who are infected with a disease may have done something wrong to deserve it. We have to understand that people have contracted the disease just by chance and not by doing anything wrong. On the one hand people involved in the fight to control of the disease like the Doctors, the Nurses, the Policemen the Safai Karamcharis and others are being hailed as "Corona Fighters" why can't we call those who have contracted but defeated COVID -19 as "Corona Champions" instead of stigmatizing them and discriminating against them, they deserve empathy rather than hatred, just for a brief moment try and step into their shoes and imagine your mental state. Some people have even begun to boycott Doctors and Nurses fearing that they might carry the virus and spread it to others, this is most unfortunate. Don’t let intensity of Fear of COVID -19 turn into Stigma.

Stigma harms the mental and physical health of people with disease, and the morale of those fighting to nurse the ailing back to good health. This stigma can take the forms of social rejection, gossip, physical violence, and denial of services.
We should also talk openly about the mental health struggles we are all facing — sharing our views, talking with others about stressors including stigma can promote positive mental well-being.

Now, these Corona Champions are Hereos. They are the heroes as they have not only successfully defeated the disease but can also help treat those critically affected by the VIRUS.
We must not attach STIGMA and must remember who the enemy it’s the VIRUS and not people with COVID -19 or affected by COVID -19.